Dr. David Bush - President

Evangelical Theological Seminary




Notice to the faculty, student body, and potential student candidates:

As the Summer was coming to its end and the Fall season was about to begin, so it is with Evangelical Theological Seminary. Dr. Nathan Killian, with the assistance of his wife, Jeanette Killian, founded the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida in 2001. Dr. Killian was its President and CEO since its inception. Unexpectedly, on May 6, 2023, he was promoted from his earthly home to his heavenly home to forever be with the Lord he loved and faithfully served. His mantle as president of Evangelical Theological Seminary has now been passed on to Dr. David Bush who, along with his wife Lissa, will carry on the work of Dr. Nathan Killian. Dr. Bush is now the President and CEO of Evangelical Theological Seminary.  You will be getting further acquainted with Dr. Bush in the coming months.

It is the desire of Jeanette Killian and the Seminary Board of Trustees that the Seminary go forward in advancing the work of the Kingdom of God in these last days of time.  We know that has always been and would even now be the desire of Dr. Killian if he were still here with us. We ask that you pray for Dr. Bush and his wife, Lissa, as they take up the challenge of  being the  new leaders of Evangelical Theological Seminary.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanette Killian and the Seminary Board of Trustees.